
Sabtu, 28 April 2012

How To Redecorate Your Home Walls

  • How to redecorate your home walls ?

We all know that when it comes to redecorating your home , the first thing that comes to our minds is painting walls . We think this is a somewhat costly endeavor and at the same time, a tiring process because it takes a lot of time moving the furniture out of the way and then back to where it belongs after you finish the painting. But, the result will be delightful, pleasing and satisfactory even if it is a little tiring.
Here we will present a collection of interior wall paint about how to redecorate your walls in a practical, speedy way that is not very expensive. We will introduce some techniques that are available for everyone to choose from, and can be accommodated according to their tastes and special needs.

Traditional method :

  • wall sticker decor

This technique is an ideal one , it is a traditional solution for everybody to change the look of their walls.
Painting & personal photo
  • hanging wall photo

You could choose one specific wall in the house and arrange photos of the members of the family. This can be especially used to highlight your kids. These photos can be arranged in a way that shows how the kids grow and develop during the different periods and stages of their lives.
Family wall
kids wall stickers make the walls of your baby’s room more active.
stories picture
  • Change your wall photo frames

You could change the effect of your photo/picture by changing the color of their frame or completely changing the frames.
Change your photo or picture frame
Red & white frames
Now you can see the difference
  • Arrange your wall photo collage

You can display pictures on the wall in many different ways by using different shapes, either in columns, or in an L-shape, a U-shape, a T-shape and maybe the shape of the first letter of your name. You can also arrange them in geometric shapes.
photo and picture in a different shape and random way on wall
photo and picture in a L AND U shapes
You can use your imagination to do something unusual and be creative.
  • wall decor wallpaper

wall decor wallpaper is one of the old traditional techniques that have become more fashionable lately. Now we have a wide variety and range of choices in wallpaper; there are different textures, colors and types. It’s unnecessary to use wallpaper on the whole wall; it’s enough to put wallpaper in a small area on the wall, between two chairs or in the middle of the wall to create a special interest. You can make exciting changes by using wallpaper in different places on a wall.
  • wall mirrors decorative

wall mirrors decorative are always a wonderful solution for decorating any room as they give you a feeling of excitement. They provide an elegant effect for your room. You must consider that mirrors should only reflect and show what is beautiful and lovely. There are now different shapes, types and fantastic colors of mirrors that we can arrange in different fashionable and new ways.
  • wall decor paintings

Wall drawings and paintings created interesting effects as they give a room another dimension and express the personality and the taste of the house owner .
modern Wall drawing and painting
Wall drawing and painting
This is considered a very ideal and practical solution since it decorates walls and gives the place a special touch of elegance. It also makes the room seem more spacious. There are several techniques that can enable you to draw and paint on the walls; you can get a professional artist or painter to do the job for you or you can be more creative and do it your own way .
techniques that can enable us to draw and paint on the walls
draw and paint on the walls
  • wall sticker decor

You could also get a drawing in a “ready for use” decal that sticks to the wall. You then paint it in the colors that suit your taste and match your decor.
Wall stickers
  • Fabric wall panel

This technique is one of the modern techniques that are mainly based on using fabric/ This has created a new and fashionable industry that produces the best types of fabric that are made of good quality, are elegant and offer creative designs that will suit every taste.
Fabric wall panel
fabric material

Choose some fabric with a large-scale pattern. Go to your local art supply store and buy four lengths of wood framing made for stretching canvases. The wood strips have corners designed to interlock. (Or you can cover an existing blank stretched canvas, but it will get pricey if you get a big one.) At my art store these wood strips were standing in bins, available in lengths all the way from super short to too long to manage. I bought two each of 50″ and 34”. Each piece was a couple of dollars. Push your corners together, pounding them with a hammer if needed. Cut your fabric to a size somewhat larger than your frame; you’ll need enough to wrap the fabric around to the back. Iron your fabric.
Position your fabric the way you like it, and use a staple gun to tack it down. I stapled all along one long edge, then did the opposite side, pulling it very tight. Next do the short sides, one at a time. Cut off any extra fabric that hangs over the edges of the frame. To finish the corners, just sort of tuck in the extra as if you’re wrapping a present and staple it down. It doesn’t matter how you do it as long as it looks tidy from the front. The art store gave me a wooden “triangle thing” to help with this, but it’s not essential. Attach a picture hanger (or maybe two if your panel is large) and hang it.
Note: This fabric panel wall is called Pernilla from IKEA.
use fabric for your wall art

  • Beaded curtains

This is an easy and quick way to change the appearance of your walls, doors and windows . Beaded curtain are made up of a number of beaded strings hanging down in various colors and shapes. Their colors can be chosen to present a modern or classic style. They are easy and ready to hang in no time.
Beaded curtains
  • window beaded curtains

How to design beaded curtains with your hand
The last and the most creative idea to make your wall look great
  • Colored wall repair tape by Jonathan fong

All you need to do is buy Permacel, a kind of paper tape that comes in various colors and widths, and a laser level. Follow the steps below, and you’ll instantly create a room everyone will be talking about.
Colored wall repair tape by Jonathan fong
  • Choose Your Color Scheme

Before applying the tape, it’s a good idea to paint your wall with a base color. That way, the wall color will act as another stripe. Then you can select the tape colors that will complement the wall color. For the yellow wall in this demonstration, I chose red, orange and light blue because I loved this happy combination of colors.
Where to Find Tape
You won’t find Permacel tape at your local home improvement warehouse. Try a craft and art supply store.
Choose Your wall Color Scheme
Ready, Set, Tape
Using your laser level to guide you, apply your first color of tape vertically to the wall. Slowly unrolling the tape, lightly pressing the tape every few inches along the laser line to hold it temporarily. When you’re satisfied that the entire stripe is straight, tear the tape at the bottom of the wall and press the entire length firmly with your fingertips to adhere it
Keep Going
stripe with  different color and different width
For your next stripe, choose a different color and different width. Using your laser level, indicate a line to the right of the first stripe where you will be placing the stripe. If you place it close to the first stripe, you will create a thin stripe including one created by the base wall color. If you place it further away, you will create a larger stripe of the wall color. As you apply subsequent stripes, keep varying your pattern. You can repeat colors and widths, too. There is no right or wrong way to do this.

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